Chapter I – Name and objectives
Art. 1
The association shall be called Rótin (e. The Root). The association operates in Iceland and has its legal domicile in Reykjavik.
Art. 2
The objectives of Rótin are:
a) To advocate for women and non-binary people with histories of trauma or/and problematic substance use and to promote their human rights and welfare.
b) To encourage to professional policy making that has harm reduction, human rights and trauma and gender informed approach as the guiding light.
c) To work to produce information, research, knowledge building, on these matters for the good of women and non-binary people.
d) To further the cooperation between organizations, unions, and professionals; to organize lectures, conferences, and courses, alone or in cooperation with others.
e) To operate Konukot, an emergency shelter for homeless women in Reykjavík according to a contract with the city of Reykjavík.
f) Confidentiality shall be maintained regarding the persons who seek Rótin’s services and assistance. Members, staff, volunteers, Rótin’s council and those staying in the emergency shelter are bound by a duty of confidentiality according to the association’s bylaws. Confidentiality must be respected after the work or stay in the shelter ends.
Art. 3
Membership of Rótin is open to all women and non-binary people who adhere to Rótin’s objectives.
Art. 4
Anyone can contribute to the association. Support and funding can be contributed by other means then money, to the association, this shall be given a special mention. The association is free to, but not obliged, to accept monetary contributions, gifts, donations, and support that is restricted by the donor.
According to this article, a decision to accept a donation shall be taken by the manageress of Rótin, who can, if she deems fit, refer the decision to the Association Council, in individual cases.
Non-profit organizations that support the organization’s goals can become sponsoring members. Representatives of sponsoring organizations have freedom of speech and the right to make proposals at the association meetings and the annual general meeting, but not special voting rights.
Chapter II – Annual general meeting and Rótin’s Council
Art. 5
Rótin’s annual general meeting shall be convened each spring. All members who have been registered no less than five days have the right to attend the annual general meeting and to vote. To be valid, the invitation to the annual general meeting, must be sent by email to the members at least 10 days in advance.
Rótin’s annual general meeting shall be convened every spring. The annual general meeting must be announced on Rótin’s website at least two weeks in advance, as well as by e-mail to members of the association. The meeting notice must state where and when the meeting is held, the agenda of the meeting and the authorizations of members to participate. All members who have been registered in the association for a minimum of five days have the right to freedom of speech and the right to make proposals at the annual general meeting. Members who have been registered for at least a month also have the right to vote. The annual general meeting is considered legally convened if the meeting notice meets the above conditions.
Art. 6
Proposals for legislative changes must be submitted to the council at least five days before the annual general meeting. These laws can only be changed at Rótin’s annual general meeting. The legal changes are considered approved if 2/3 of the members attending the annual general meeting approve the changes.
Art. 7
The agenda of the annual general meeting shall be as follows:
- The opening of the meeting
- Election of chairwoman and secretary for the meeting
- A report from the board on operations during the past operational year
- The annual accounts of the association presented for ratification
- Amendments to the bylaws
- Election of council members and vice-representatives
- Election of an auditor
- Decision on memberships fees
- Suggestions by the council regarding the working plan for the next year
- Any other business
Minutes must be kept of what takes place at the annual general meeting and all bookings, resolutions, decisions, and results of the annual general meeting must be recorded separately.
Art. 8
No later than one month before the annual general meeting, Rótin’s council shall appoint two members to the candidacy committee, which ensures candidates for Rótin’s council and receives nominations. Members of Rótin can submit their proposals to the selection committee. The Council of Rótin shall establish rules of procedure for the nomination committee, and they shall be reviewed annually.
Art. 9
At the annual general meeting, five members shall be elected to a council that holds the decision-making power of Rótin between annual general meetings. Two alternate representatives shall also be elected to the council. Rótin’s operates according to work rules and work plan that must be reviewed annually at the annual general meeting.
The council has the authority to make resolutions in the name the association, as long as the resolution is in accordance with its fundamental goals. The council is authorized to appoint groups to work in Rótin’s name.
Rótin’s Council shall hold its first meeting within two weeks of the annual general meeting. There, the council shall share tasks other than what the annual general meeting decides. The council appoints a chair, vice-chair, secretary, treasurer and one co-chair. Furthermore, one confidant shall be appointed. Councilwomen must familiarize themselves with the association’s bylaws and act according to them.
The association’s board grants power of attorney on behalf of the association. The chair holds board meetings, prepares them, and leads them. The vice-chair takes over the tasks of the chair in his absence and takes care of the membership register. The secretary keeps the minutes of the council. The treasurer is informed about the association’s financial situation, provides financial control, and reviews the annual accounts at the annual general meeting and answers questions about Rótin’s accounts and finances. Rótin’s members can turn to the trustees regarding matters concerning the association’s activities. The confidant is obliged to direct the issues that arise in the right direction in consultation with the informant. Rótin’s council determines the role of the council member.
The council shall get together at least six times a year. Deputy representatives have the right to sit in board meetings with freedom of speech and the right to make proposals, but only have the right to vote in the absence of the main representative. The meeting is valid if the majority of the council is present. At council meetings, a simple majority of votes prevails if votes are to be cast on an issue.
Art. 10
The financial year of the association is set from 1 January to 31 December. The annual general meeting elects two auditors of accountsand one alternate. The association’s council submits a proposal for membership fees at the association’s general meeting.
Art. 11
Proposals for amendments of the bylaws shall be presented to the council at least five days prior to the annual general annual meeting. These laws can only be changed at Rótin’s annual general meeting. Changes to the bylaws are considered approved if 2/3 of the members attending the annual general meeting approve the changes.
Chapter III – Conflict of interest
Art. 12
In the event of a conflict of interest that hinders the members of Rótin’s council in their work, the majority of the council is allowed to temporarily refer a project to another party within Rótin. Rótin’s Council assesses what constitutes a conflict of interest and the instructions shall be detailed in Rótin’s Rules of Procedure.
Rótin’s Council accepts written suggestions from Rótin’s members about conflicts of interest.
Chapter IV – Rótin’s Manageress
Art. 13
Rótin’s Council appoints a Manageress, determines her terms of service, and can grant her a power of attorney on behalf of Rótin.
The Manageress is responsible to Rótin’s council and implements the policy and decisions of the board. The Manageress takes care of the day-to-day operations of the organization and represents them in all matters related to day-to-day operations.
The manageress takes care of accounting and other human resources in consultation with Rótin’s Council. The manageress has an equal seat at council meetings with the right to freedom of speech and proposals. She must provide Rótin’s council, inspectors and/or auditors with all information about the operation of the organization that may be requested.
Chapter V – Termination of the association
Art. 14
Rótin can be terminated by a decision of 2/3 of the members at annual general meeting or a meeting of members. If the required number of members is not reached at the annual general meeting/-membership meeting, a follow-up meeting can be held, and then 2/3 of the meeting participants must agree to termination for the association to be considered terminated.
Art 15
Upon termination of the association, assets, if any, shall go to research that contributes to the benefit of women with substance use problems. A fund will be established in collaboration with the University of Iceland to distribute the money and/or manage research into the social aspects of women’s drug problems and non-binary people.
Agreed on at annual general meeting 23 May 2023